Wiki Sonic The Hedgehog

Dear My Friend est la chanson finale du jeu Sonic Unleashed : La Malédiction du Hérisson, écrite et chantée par Brent Cash. Cette chanson de 6:06 met en évidence l’amitié entre Sonic et Chip.


Good times and bad times,
I can count on being with you.
I thank you for staying so true
My life will go on a long time,
Have to catch up when I see you
And You are my reason I can make it through
I will give my word that I will come in time to rescue
My heart will always be with you
I'm so glad I met you being with me wherever,
We're made for each other forever
I know life can be tough on you time and time again
laughter maybe gone away
I will wipe away my tears to-morrow
Life must go on, that's the reason that you travel away
I will be there if you need me
And I know you'll do the same
I can see you, I can hear you in my heart
You will be here if I need you
I will never have to guess
cause we are very special friends
So send me a letter,
let me know how you're doing.
You are my lifetime and true friend.
We'll never be forgotten,
having trust is all we may need
You are always with me in the life I lead
So far, far away from life I used to know
worries are too far, too
I will stop and close my eyes, remember
And at the rainbow I can take you,
I will catch it for you
Memories you can recall
With me any time of day
You can reach out
You can ask me in your soul
I will answer when you call me
I will come no matter how
Cause we are very special friends
Just like a river that flows
Just like stars in the dark night
Lead me in the storm,
Lead me in the dark
You are the light of my life
I will be there if you need me
And I know you'll do the same
I can see you, I can hear you in my heart
You will be here if I need you
I will never have to guess
Cause we are very special friends
Memories you can recall
With me any time of day
You can reach out
you can ask me in your soul
I will answer when you call me
I will come no matter how
Cause we are very special friends
(Musique qui se fade)


Connexion avec les personnages

  • « Good times and bad times » — Sonic qui se transforme jour et nuit.
  • « My life will go on a long time » — Chip étant une divinité, immortel.
  • « You are my reason I can make it through » — Chip convaincu par Sonic d’être aidé.
  • « My heart will always be with you » — Chip qui sera toujours avec Sonic.
  • « I’m so glad I met you being with

me wherever » — Chip qui est heureux d’avoir rencontré Sonic.

  • « I will be there if you need me and I know you’ll do the same » — Chip qui conseille Sonic et Sonic qui secoure Chip.
  • « I will never have to guess » — Chip qui n’a jamais plus douté de la sincérité et de

la lucidité de Sonic dans ses deux apparences.

  • « 'Cause we are very special friends » — L’amitié de Sonic et Chip.
  • « You are my lifetime and true friend » — Chip considérant Sonic comme sa raison de vivre et meilleur ami.
  • « We’ll never be forgotten » — Chip et Sonic qui ne s’oublieront jamais.
  • « With me any time of day » — Sonic qui a toujours été présent aux côtés de Chip.
  • « So far, far away from life I used to know » — Chip amnésique.